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To Be Black: Black Women in Sports | Ep 3

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Previously recorded July 20, 2021.

In today's episode, we discuss the intersections of race, gender, sports and journalism. Particularly we talk about the 2021 Summer Olympics, NBA Finals an much more. TNBC we be starting a To Be Black series on our podcast, where we will highlight how existing as a Black person shapes the way you are treated, navigate and are perceived in the world and the potentially affects that has on Black folk both socially, psychologically and biologically. We will interrogate the systems and structure that perpetrate this harm and allow is to persist. We will also discuss how Black people resist, fight and thrive amongst that adversity. Lastly, we will meditate on the magic that is Blackness and that even though Black people always find a way to grow roses in concrete, they should not be expected to be resilient but be given the fertile soil to grow.

Authors and Books Mentioned: Patricia Hill Collins - Black Feminist Thought Octavia E. Butler Kimberle Crenshaw Dana-Ain Davis

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