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What to Wear to a Protest?

Updated: Sep 12, 2020

  • A mask

    • N95 > Surgical > Double layer cotton > single layer fabric

  • Eye protection such as glasses, sunglasses or goggles

  • Loose fitting solid-color clothing

    • Long sleeves and pants recommended

    • Layers recommended if possible

  • Disposable gloves

  • Comfortable shoes like tennis shoes or sneakers

  • Hat for sun protection

  • A lightweight backpack or fanny pack

Feldman, Jamie. “What To Wear To A Protest To Keep Yourself Protected.” HuffPost, 3 June 2020,

Huber, Eliza. “What To Wear (& Not Wear) When Protesting.” Www.Refinery29.Com, 2, June 2020,

Indigenous Resilience (@frontlinemedics). (2020, May 31). [Test images on the topic of a “Practical Guide to: Protesting & Pandemic Prevention]. Retrieved from

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